Welcome To the Ghost Mantis Games LLC official website. Please scroll down to see the most recent updates to our first project, Meridian Core Online. This MMORPG is still in development and will have a limited alpha release sometime in 2014.
So even though I’m not the 3d artist on this project I decided to try my hand atĀ getting a basic layout for the key art I did yesterday, or at least how I imagine it would be in my head. I’m not even sure if this will be usable in the game but it’s been fun to experiment. This is definitely not finished yet but I feel like photoshopping for the rest of the day.
New Landscape Sketch
Boss man concept
New Terrain System – Continued
So the initial implementation of the terrain triplanar shader had a few quirky issues with it. Spent some time optimizing the code and cleaned it up, now the normal maps work correctly on the terrain. Found ways to expose hidden lightmapping settings in Beast, so now the lightmaps do not blow out. Also tweaked the player skin shader so it doesn't blow out as well. All in all things are feeling more coherent and solid, which always makes me happy :D