
Attack System Bug Fixes

Fixed the two bugs I was telling you about. First one was if you did the lunge attack thru the doorway, when you loaded a new level, it wouldn’t reset the combo counter back to 0 so then your starting attack would be the second attack instead of the first one. Also fixed the combat palette (attack button palette) to accurately show when an attack is being done and when its ok to initiate another attack. The buttons go dark when its busy and light back up when its ready.Reorganizing a few more things in the back end and cleaning the attack code up a bit.

So yeah, I think I’m going to make it so you can move while the attack is recoiling, and also change the timing of the attacks so they are faster (more like Devil May Cry paced). Also need to update remote characters so they get all the correct states and whatnot.

Lots to do, but good we are getting this part checked off the todo list!

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